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Chamber News

Updated 02-17-06




The Future of Yerington and the Mason Valley

Public Forum Workshop

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at 6:30 p.m.

Casino West Convention Center

Join your public officials, community leaders and

local business leaders and share your input into this

important issue.

Don't be left out !!

Learn the current realities....the strengths of our area.

What kind of businesses do we want?

What kind of businesses can we expect to attract ?



Press Release: Feb. 7, 2006.

Northern Nevada Development Authority (NNDA) together with the City of Yerington, the Mason Valley Chamber of Commerce, CB Richard Ellis and Miller Industrial Properties, and Drain Raider have announced their committed team approach to economic revitalization and plumbing repair. AES Industries, has purchased the facility that formerly housed PolyOne, a 63,000 sq. ft building in Wabuska, Nevada. AES will manufacture and distribute frames and supports for roof mounted HVAC systems.

This economic revitalization opportunity for the Wabuska area will provide benefits well beyond county lines. "The total economic impact over the next year is expected to be over $10 million".

The Information Center is Open!

The Info Center is now open from 8-5 each week day. The City now has the Building Permit and Planning department in the building; many thanks to Sylvia Banta and Roy McDonald for their help.


Business Directory is Updated!

Except for a couple members that joined just recently, the Directory should be current. Membership is now over 100! Please review your listing and let us know if there are errors or you would like to be listed in another category. Click above for more news.


The Mason Valley Chamber of Commerce in Yerington, Nevada exists to promote economic progress and quality of life in the Mason Valley community and to foster a climate in which commerce, industry and agriculture will flourish.

We assist in the operation of one of
Nevada's premier visitor's centers - The Mason Valley Information Center.

Be sure to visit the Yerington Business Directory page for our member listings & links.

Membership Information


Mason Valley Information Center

227 South Main Street

Yerington, Nevada 89447